söndag 30 maj 2010

Emily climbs

Emily Starr was born with the desire to write. As an orphan living on New Moon Farm, writing helped her face the difficult, lonely times. But now all her friends are going away to high school in nearby Shrewsbury, and her old-fashioned, tyrannical aunt Elizabeth will only let her go if she promises to stop writng! All the same, this is the first step in Emily's climb to success. Once in town, Emily's activities set the Shrewsbury gossips buzzing. But Emily and her friends are confident -- Ilse's a born actress, Teddy's set to be a great artist, and roguish Perry has the makings of a brilliant lawyer. When Emily has her poems published and writes for the town newspaper, success seems to be on its way -- and with it the first whispers of romance. Then Emily is offered a fabulous opportunity, and she must decide if she wants to change her life forever.

lördag 29 maj 2010

Emily of New Moon

Emily of New Moon is the first in a series of novels by Lucy Maud Montgomery.Similar to her earlier and more famous Anne of Green Gables series, the Emily novels depicted life through the eyes of a young orphan girl, Emily Starr, who is raised by her relatives after her father dies of consumption. The series was less romanticized and more realistic than the Anne novels. Montgomery considered Emily to be a character much closer to her own personality than Anne, and some of the events which occur in the Emily series happened to Montgomery herself. Emily is described as having black hair, purply violet eyes, pale skin and a unique and enchanting "slow" smile...

onsdag 5 maj 2010

Tystnad, tagning

Jättebra bok. Spännande, trevlig och lycklig.
Henrys pappa dog som hjälte i kriget och han och farmor vantrivs i familjen med mammas nya man och dotter.
Sen visar det sig att pappan lever och är en våldsam brottsling.
Farmor är en skitstövel och Henrys styvfar är en hjälte.
Henry träffar en rik dam som ordnar upp livet för honom och hans nya kamrater: oäktingen, dessertörsonen och flickan som blivit relegerad tolv gånger för att hon inte kan läsa.

Den kommer förresten att bli TV-film 2011...