torsdag 18 november 2021

The Man Who Dies Twice

It's the following Thursday. Elizabeth has received a letter from an old colleague, a man with whom she has a long history. He's made a big mistake, and he needs her help.

His story involves stolen diamonds, a violent mobster, and a very real threat to his life. As bodies start piling up, Elizabeth enlists Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron in the hunt for a ruthless murderer. And if they find the diamonds too? Well, wouldn't that be a bonus? But this time they are up against an enemy who wouldn't bat an eyelid at knocking off four septuagenarians.

Can The Thursday Murder Club find the killer (and the diamonds) before the killer finds them?

torsdag 14 oktober 2021

Silent Voices

When DI Vera Stanhope finds the body of a woman in the sauna room of her local gym, she wonders briefly if, for once in her life, she's uncovered a simple death from natural causes. But a closer inspection reveals ligature marks around the victim's throat - death is never that simple.

Doing what she does best, Vera pulls her team together and sets them interviewing staff and those connected to the victim, while she and colleague, Sergeant Joe Ashworth, work to find a motive. While Joe struggles to reconcile his home life with the demands made on him by the job, Vera revels being back in charge of an investigation again. Death has never made her feel so alive.

And when they discover that the victim had worked in social services, and had been involved in a shocking case involving a young child, then it appears obvious that the two are somehow connected. Though things are never as they seem...

lördag 18 september 2021

the Last Train to London

Bättre än jättebra! Det tog ett tag att komma in i boken och i början tänkte jag till och med kanske sluta läsa. "Jag ger den ett tag till", tänkte jag, och sen var jag snart fast. Boken är skriven i mycket korta kapitel och historien byggs upp av många talande detaljer, som till exempel att Eichmann låter sin personal bli blöt i ösregnet för att kunna hålla hans hund torr under ett paraply. Eller att han på en bjudning, för att fira att de blivit av med 600 judiska barn, alltså bland sina bundsförvanter, låter de andra vänta på sin tårta tills han har ätit sin och hållit tal. Den tog lång tid att läsa, för ofta läste jag bara ett par kapitel och kände att det räckte. Ett enormt extra plus för de sista kapitlen där författaren redovisar vilken fakta romanen grundar sig i och vilka (små) förändringar hon gjort i historien.

 In 1936, the Nazi are little more than loud, brutish bores to fifteen-year old Stephan Neuman, the son of a wealthy and influential Jewish family and budding playwright whose playground extends from Vienna’s streets to its intricate underground tunnels. Stephan’s best friend and companion is the brilliant Žofie-Helene, a Christian girl whose mother edits a progressive, anti-Nazi newspaper. But the two adolescents’ carefree innocence is shattered when the Nazis’ take control.

There is hope in the darkness, though. Truus Wijsmuller, a member of the Dutch resistance, risks her life smuggling Jewish children out of Nazi Germany to the nations that will take them. It is a mission that becomes even more dangerous after the Anschluss—Hitler’s annexation of Austria—as, across Europe, countries close their borders to the growing number of refugees desperate to escape.

Tante Truus, as she is known, is determined to save as many children as she can. After Britain passes a measure to take in at-risk child refugees from the German Reich, she dares to approach Adolf Eichmann, the man who would later help devise the “Final Solution to the Jewish Question,” in a race against time to bring children like Stephan, his young brother Walter, and Žofie-Helene on a perilous journey to an uncertain future abroad.

torsdag 1 juli 2021


Hur mycket kan man veta om en ål? Eller om en människa?
"Ålevangeliet" är en bok om världens mest gåtfulla fisk. En fisk som gett upphov till ett alldeles eget mysterium inom naturvetenskapen, det som kallas ”ålfrågan”. En fisk som alla från Aristoteles till Sigmund Freud försökt förstå sig på, utan att lyckas. Och som nu dör ifrån oss, i mångt och mycket fortfarande en gåta.
Men ”Ålevangeliet” är också en bok om författaren och hans far och hur ålen förde dem samman. En berättelse om ursprung, öde, livet och hur det bör levas. Samt om det som är livets sista och ofrånkomliga utmaning: hur man hanterar döden.

onsdag 23 juni 2021

Hidden Depths

Jag älskar sista stycket:

Vera watched him walk to his car, the champagne in one hand, the flowers in the other. Thought that if she´d been married to someone like Joe Ashworth, she´d be so bored she´d commit murder herself.

A hot summer on the Northumberland coast, and Julie Armstrong arrives home from a night out to find her son murdered. Luke has been strangled, laid out in a bath of water and covered with wild flowers.

This stylized murder scene has Inspector Vera Stanhope and her team intrigued. But then a second body - that of beautiful young teacher Lily Marsh - is discovered laid out in a rock pool, the water strewn with flowers. Now, Vera must work quickly to find this dramatist, this killer who is making art out of death.

Clues are slow to emerge from those who had known Luke and Lily, but Vera soon finds herself drawn towards the curious group of friends who discovered Lily's body. What unites these four men and one woman? Are they really the close-knit, trustworthy unit they claim to be? As local residents are forced to share their private lives and those of their loved ones, sinister secrets are slowly unearthed.

And all the while the killer remains in their midst, waiting for an opportunity to prepare another beautiful, watery grave ...

tisdag 1 juni 2021

Bokskåpets hemlighet

I ett gammalt bokskåp i mormors slitna stuga hittar Rebecka en dagbok och en samling brev från 1940-talet och det visar sig snart att hennes familjehistoria är mer komplicerad än hon trott. Vad är det för mörka hemligheter som hennes älskade mormor Anna har dolt under alla dessa år?

Rebecka har flytt sin trasiga familjesituation och inte träffat sin mamma på flera år, men när mormor hamnar på sjukhus återvänder hon motvilligt till Skåne. I breven och dagboken får en berättelse från andra världskriget liv. Den unga Anna är förälskad i Luca och beredd att riskera allt när han ber henne om hjälp med att smuggla danska judar över sundet, omedveten om att ingripandet kommer att förändra deras liv för alltid.   

Rebecka läser andaktsfullt och inser att hon inte är den enda som behöver försonas med sitt förflutna. Men finns det fortfarande tid nog för familjen att hitta tillbaka till varandra? 

En "feel good-roman" där jag inte direkt fängslas av språket och där man ganska snart kan ana det mesta av handlingen. Jag fångas ändå och läser hela boken och är nöjd med det!


söndag 30 maj 2021

Tyska huset

Frankfurt, 1963. Den unga översättaren Eva Bruhns blir inkallad som tolk under Auschwitzrättegångarna. Medan Eva lyssnar till de fasansfulla vittnesmålen hopar sig frågetecknen i hennes egen historia. Varför vägrar hennes föräldrar och storasyster att prata om sitt liv under kriget? Hon börjar komma ihåg minnen från Auschwitz där hennes far var mässkock. Varför blir så många barn sjuka på spädbarnsavdelningen där hennes syster är sjuksköterska?

söndag 9 maj 2021

Many Rivers to Cross

When the body of a teenage boy is found stuffed into a wheely bin on the East Side Estate, Banks and Annie have a homegrown murder case to solve. But Banks's attention is also on Zelda, who in helping him track down his old enemy, has put herself in danger and alerted the stonecold Eastern European sex traffickers who brought her to the UK.


torsdag 15 april 2021


The day Anna McDonald's quiet, respectable life exploded started off like all the days before: Packing up the kids for school, making breakfast, listening to yet another true crime podcast. Then her husband comes downstairs with an announcement, and Anna is suddenly, shockingly alone.
Reeling, desperate for distraction, Anna returns to the podcast. Other people's problems are much better than one's own -- a sunken yacht, a murdered family, a hint of international conspiracy. But this case actually is Anna's problem. She knows one of the victims from an earlier life, a life she's taken great pains to leave behind. And she is convinced that she knows what really happened.
Then an unexpected visitor arrives on her front stoop, a meddling neighbor intervenes, and life as Anna knows it is well and truly over. The devils of her past are awakened -- and they're in hot pursuit. Convinced she has no other options, Anna goes on the run, and in pursuit of the truth, with a washed-up musician at her side and the podcast as her guide.

onsdag 10 mars 2021

Troubled Blood

Private Detective Cormoran Strike is visiting his family in Cornwall when he is approached by a woman asking for help finding her mother, Margot Bamborough — who went missing in mysterious circumstances in 1974.

Strike has never tackled a cold case before, let alone one forty years old. But despite the slim chance of success, he is intrigued and takes it on; adding to the long list of cases that he and his partner in the agency, Robin Ellacott, are currently working on. And Robin herself is also juggling a messy divorce and unwanted male attention, as well as battling her own feelings about Strike.

As Strike and Robin investigate Margot's disappearance, they come up against a fiendishly complex case with leads that include tarot cards, a psychopathic serial killer and witnesses who cannot all be trusted. And they learn that even cases decades old can prove to be deadly . . .

Över 900 sidor och det var ändå tråkigt när den tog slut.

onsdag 20 januari 2021

Thursday Murder Club

In a peaceful retirement village, four unlikely friends meet weekly in the Jigsaw Room to discuss unsolved crimes; together they call themselves The Thursday Murder Club. Elizabeth, Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron might be pushing eighty but they still have a few tricks up their sleeves.

When a local developer is found dead with a mysterious photograph left next to the body, the Thursday Murder Club suddenly find themselves in the middle of their first live case. As the bodies begin to pile up, can our unorthodox but brilliant gang catch the killer, before it’s too late?